How to Grow Grass in Shaded Areas

How to Grow Grass in Shaded AreasHave you tried to grow grass in shaded areas of your lawn without success? Many lawns have shady spots where grass seed just doesn’t want to sprout and grow. Maybe pet or insect damage has complicated the process, making new grass growth that much harder. So, how do you successfully grow and maintain healthy grass even in the darkest spots of your lawn?

Here are 3 easy tips from Scotts to help turn shady spots into havens of thick turf!

1) Evaluate the Amount of Sunlight – According to Scott’s, “The rule of thumb for even shade-tolerant grasses is that they need at least three to four hours of direct sun, or four to six hours of dappled sunlight, per day.” If the spot on your lawn gets less sunlight than this, try pruning back nearby trees or shrubs to allow for more light.

2) Find a Grass Seed Specifically for Shade – There are certain grass types that are designed to thrive in shade. For those of us living in the Northeast, a hearty fescue blend, like Scotts® Turf Builder® Dense Shade Mix will work well.

3) Plant, Water and Watch – First, prep the area with a rake to loosen the soil then spread your grass seed at the proper rate and cover with quality soil to help your grass seedlings get off to a great start. After that, you water, watch and wait. Keep your new shaded grass moist by watering once or twice daily, until you see it grow tall enough to mow. Then cut back to a normal watering schedule.

*Remember: when you plant grass seed around trees, the trees are hungry and thirsty, and will compete with grass for available water and nutrients. Be sure to regularly feed the grass around trees and water generously.


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